Global Online Piracy Study: Legal Background Report external link

Europe, frontpage, Internet, mediaconsumptie, piracy


Article{Quintais2018d, title = {Global Online Piracy Study: Legal Background Report}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {0731}, date = {2018-07-31}, keywords = {Europe, frontpage, Internet, mediaconsumptie, piracy}, }

Global Online Piracy Study external link

Poort, J., Quintais, J., Ende, M. van der, Yagafarova, A. & Hageraats, M.

Europe, frontpage, Internet, mediaconsumptie, piracy


Article{Poort2018, title = {Global Online Piracy Study}, author = {Poort, J. and Quintais, J. and Ende, M. van der and Yagafarova, A. and Hageraats, M.}, url = {}, year = {0731}, date = {2018-07-31}, keywords = {Europe, frontpage, Internet, mediaconsumptie, piracy}, }

Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights, 3rd ed. external link

Kluwer Law International, 0606

authors, collective management, Copyright, Internet


Book{Gervais2015, title = {Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights, 3rd ed.}, author = {Gervais, D.J.}, url = {}, year = {0606}, date = {2015-06-06}, keywords = {authors, collective management, Copyright, Internet}, }

Rondetafelgesprek over marktdominantie van internet en technologiebedrijven external link

frontpage, Internet, marktdominantie, rondetafelgesprek, technologiebedrijven


Article{vanEijk2018, title = {Rondetafelgesprek over marktdominantie van internet en technologiebedrijven}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0202}, date = {2018-02-02}, keywords = {frontpage, Internet, marktdominantie, rondetafelgesprek, technologiebedrijven}, }

Digitale anonimiteit is ook bij gebruik van de bitcoin een gevaarlijke illusie: Subtielere consequentie van cryptogeld is versterking machtsconcentratie internetgiganten external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2017, pp: 11, 2017

anonimiteit, bitcoin, cryptogeld, digitalisering, frontpage, Internet, machtsconcentraties


Article{Arnbak2017b, title = {Digitale anonimiteit is ook bij gebruik van de bitcoin een gevaarlijke illusie: Subtielere consequentie van cryptogeld is versterking machtsconcentratie internetgiganten}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0907}, date = {2017-09-07}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2017}, pages = {11}, keywords = {anonimiteit, bitcoin, cryptogeld, digitalisering, frontpage, Internet, machtsconcentraties}, }

Formalidades del derecho de autor en la era de internet: filtros de protección o facilitadores de licenciamiento external link

Revista de Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología, vol. 5, num: 1, pp: 9-55, 2017

Auteursrecht, filters, formalities, frontpage, Internet, Licensing


Article{vanGompel2017b, title = {Formalidades del derecho de autor en la era de internet: filtros de protección o facilitadores de licenciamiento}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {0620}, date = {2017-06-20}, journal = {Revista de Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {9-55}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, filters, formalities, frontpage, Internet, Licensing}, }

Copyright in the Age of Online Access: Alternative Compensation Systems in EU Law external link

Kluwer Law International, 2017, Series: Information Law Series, ISBN: 9789041186676


This book examines pragmatic legal solutions that enable Internet users to access works in the digital environment by exploring the flexibilities in EU copyright law in search of a consistent regulation of non-commercial online use. In addition to proving virtually impossible, online enforcement of copyright may be undesirable because it risks encroaching upon fundamental rights and freedoms. However, the problem remains that creators are often not fairly remunerated for the online use of their works. This book addresses the need for legalisation schemes that favour remunerated access over exclusivity and enforcement for large-scale online use by individuals, while assuring remuneration to rights holders and promoting the development of the information society.

academic research, Berne Convention, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, CJEU, collective rights management, communication to the public right, compensation systems, Copyright, Digital Single Market, EU copyright law, exceptions and limitations, fair balance, fair compensation, frontpage, Internet, Kluwer Information Law Series, online intermediaries


Book{Quintais2017, title = {Copyright in the Age of Online Access: Alternative Compensation Systems in EU Law}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-05-29}, volume = {40}, pages = {}, abstract = {This book examines pragmatic legal solutions that enable Internet users to access works in the digital environment by exploring the flexibilities in EU copyright law in search of a consistent regulation of non-commercial online use. In addition to proving virtually impossible, online enforcement of copyright may be undesirable because it risks encroaching upon fundamental rights and freedoms. However, the problem remains that creators are often not fairly remunerated for the online use of their works. This book addresses the need for legalisation schemes that favour remunerated access over exclusivity and enforcement for large-scale online use by individuals, while assuring remuneration to rights holders and promoting the development of the information society.}, keywords = {academic research, Berne Convention, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, CJEU, collective rights management, communication to the public right, compensation systems, Copyright, Digital Single Market, EU copyright law, exceptions and limitations, fair balance, fair compensation, frontpage, Internet, Kluwer Information Law Series, online intermediaries}, }

The Weeping Angels are back, and they attack our privacy via smart TVs external link

CIA, Data protection, e-Privacy regulation, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Internet, Privacy, Smart TV


Article{Irion2017b, title = {The Weeping Angels are back, and they attack our privacy via smart TVs}, author = {Irion, K. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0310}, date = {2017-03-10}, keywords = {CIA, Data protection, e-Privacy regulation, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Internet, Privacy, Smart TV}, }

Bom onder het internet – Naschrift external link

Auteursrecht, frontpage, Internet


Article{vanEechoud2017, title = {Bom onder het internet – Naschrift}, author = {van Eechoud, M. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0103}, date = {2017-01-03}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, Internet}, }

Regulating the new information intermediaries as gatekeepers of information diversity external link

Kleinen-von Königslöw, K., van der Noll, R. & Helberger, N.
Info, num: 6, pp: 50-71., 2015

Control technology, Information society, Internet, Mediarecht, Policy, Regulation, User studies


Article{nokey, title = {Regulating the new information intermediaries as gatekeepers of information diversity}, author = {Kleinen-von Königslöw, K. and van der Noll, R. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0901}, date = {2015-09-01}, journal = {Info}, number = {6}, keywords = {Control technology, Information society, Internet, Mediarecht, Policy, Regulation, User studies}, }