Privacy Law and Policy Summer Course 2024

Programme 2020 – PLP Summer Course

Below the 2020 programme (that was cancelled due to Covid-19) as an example for the 2021 course:

Monday 6 July
08.45-09.15 Welcome
09.15-09.30 Opening session
09.30-12.30 An Update on European Privacy Law and Policy
Ot van Daalen
14.00-17.00 An Update on U.S. Privacy Law and Policy
Dennis Hirsch
17.30-19.30 Boat tour on Amsterdam canals and welcome dinner
Tuesday 7 July
09.30-12.30 The FTC approach to privacy enforcement
Chris Hoofnagle
14.00-17.00 European DPAs: Enforcement of Privacy and Data Protection Rules Related to the Internet
Sjoera Nas
Wednesday 8 July
09.30-12.30 Privacy, Voter Surveillance and Democratic Engagement
Colin Bennett
Thursday 9 July
09.30-12.30 Doing Business Over the Internet: The legal governance of customer-centric innovation
Axel Arnbak
14.00-17.00 Cross-border Transfers of Personal Data
Kristina Irion
Friday 10 July
09.30-12.30 Facial Recognition Technology and Privacy
Joris van Hoboken
14.00-17.00 Panel: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
17.00-19.00 Closing reception