International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) Conference 2015

8 April 2015
Room C1.17, OMHP

Welcome to the webpage of the inaugural International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) conference. Run by students, this conference was organised as a closing event for the 2015 IMLPP course. IMLPP is an optional course on the specialised Informatierecht LL.M. programme, which is offered by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam. The course coordinator is Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (IViR).

The main aim of the conference is to provide IMLPP students with a platform to present the research that they have carried out during the course. A handful of external expert speakers will participate, but the mainstay of the conference will be presentations by the students themselves. The conference will also include a moot court competition involving IMLPP students.

Conference report by Rachel Wouda (conference rapporteur and research intern, IViR).

Conference programme
09.15-09.30 Welcome
Tarlach McGonagle (IViR)
09.30-11.00 Panel I: Clear channels for whistleblowing in a changing media landscape
Chair: Patrick Leerssen (IMLPP)
Speakers: Thomas Bruning (Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten), Jasper Teulings (Greenpeace International), Martijn Lindeman (IMLPP)
11.00-11.30 Coffee
11.30-13.00 International Media Law Moot Court
Judges: Willem F. Korthals Altes (Senior Judge, District Court of Amsterdam), Manon Oostveen (IViR) & Britt van Breda (Informatierecht)
Applicants: Oskar Mulder & Karen Siemers (IMLPP)
Respondents:  Marieke Eskens & Anouk Visser (IMLPP)
13.00-14.00 Lunch (Room A0.09)
14.00-15.30 Panel II: Regulating old, new and future media
Chair: Georgia Robertson (IMLPP)
Speakers: Eva Lievens (Universities of Ghent and Leuven), Svetlana Yakovleva (IMLPP) & Sam van Velze (IMLPP)
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-16.30 Presentation of other student projects
Roel Maalderink, Susanna Nijsten & Thommy ten Veldhuijs (all IMLPP)
16.30-16.45 Closing remarks


Additional resources for
International Media Law Moot Court:
De Monroe Price Moot Court Competition: een pleidooi
Mr. W.F. Korthals Altes
Mediaforum,  2015-1, p. 20-21.
Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
Dr. T. McGonagle & F.J. Cabrera Blázquez (eds.), in collaboration with D. Voorhoof
IRIS Themes,   nr. III, Strasbourg: European Audiovisual Observatory 2013, 403 pp. 
Van ‘public watchdog’ naar ‘public watchblog’ : het EHRM en journalistieke weblogs
M. Oosterveld & Mr. M.A.A. Oostveen
Mediaforum,  2013-6, p. 146-153
B. van Breda, student, Informatierecht LL.M. programme (Paperextensie Informatierecht, January 2015).
De problematiek van hate speech online
R. Wouda, student, Informatierecht LL.M. programme (Paperextensie Informatierecht, January 2015).

Also, check out the Twitter timeline about the conference!