One copy one user: ‘e-uitlenen’ gaat de boeken in als ‘uitlenen in juridische zin’ (Annotatie bij HvJ EU 10 november 2016 (VOB/Stichting Leenrecht)) external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2017, num: 2, pp: 70-72, 2017


Staat e-uitleen gelijk aan uitleen? Dat hangt ervan af: ‘uitlenen’, en meer specifiek: de juridische betekenis daarvan, kan bepaalde vormen van ‘e-lending’ omvatten. Zo luidt het langverwachte oordeel van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie in de proefprocedure over de reikwijdte van het huidige leenrechtregime. De precieze uitleg van het regime heeft lange tijd ter discussie gestaan – ziet het leenrecht alleen op fysieke exemplaren? De uitspraak is dan ook om meerdere redenen van belang.

bibliotheken, e-books, e-lending, frontpage, Leenrecht


Article{Breemen2017, title = {One copy one user: ‘e-uitlenen’ gaat de boeken in als ‘uitlenen in juridische zin’ (Annotatie bij HvJ EU 10 november 2016 (VOB/Stichting Leenrecht))}, author = {Breemen, V.}, url = {}, year = {0406}, date = {2017-04-06}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2017}, number = {2}, pages = {70-72}, abstract = {Staat e-uitleen gelijk aan uitleen? Dat hangt ervan af: ‘uitlenen’, en meer specifiek: de juridische betekenis daarvan, kan bepaalde vormen van ‘e-lending’ omvatten. Zo luidt het langverwachte oordeel van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie in de proefprocedure over de reikwijdte van het huidige leenrechtregime. De precieze uitleg van het regime heeft lange tijd ter discussie gestaan – ziet het leenrecht alleen op fysieke exemplaren? De uitspraak is dan ook om meerdere redenen van belang.}, keywords = {bibliotheken, e-books, e-lending, frontpage, Leenrecht}, }

Digital fixation: the law and economics of a fixed e-book price external link

International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 23, num: 4, pp: 464-481, 2017


Fifteen OECD countries, ten of which EU members, have regulation for fixing the price of printed books. At least eight of these have extended such regulation to e-books. This article investigates the cultural and economic arguments as well as the legal context concerning a fixed price for e-books and deals with the question of how the arguments for and against retail price maintenance for e-books should be weighted in the light of the evidence. It concludes that while the evidence in defence of a fixed price for printed books is slim at best, the case for a fixed price for e-books is weaker still while the legal acceptability within EU law is disputable. Against this background, introducing a fixed price for e-books is ill-advised.

agency pricing, e-books, fixed book price, frontpage, retail price maintenance, Technologie en recht, Technology and law


Article{Poort2017, title = {Digital fixation: the law and economics of a fixed e-book price}, author = {Poort, J. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0428}, date = {2017-04-28}, journal = {International Journal of Cultural Policy}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {464-481}, abstract = {Fifteen OECD countries, ten of which EU members, have regulation for fixing the price of printed books. At least eight of these have extended such regulation to e-books. This article investigates the cultural and economic arguments as well as the legal context concerning a fixed price for e-books and deals with the question of how the arguments for and against retail price maintenance for e-books should be weighted in the light of the evidence. It concludes that while the evidence in defence of a fixed price for printed books is slim at best, the case for a fixed price for e-books is weaker still while the legal acceptability within EU law is disputable. Against this background, introducing a fixed price for e-books is ill-advised.}, keywords = {agency pricing, e-books, fixed book price, frontpage, retail price maintenance, Technologie en recht, Technology and law}, }