Beyond the Cover Story – An Enquiry into the EU Competence to Introduce a Right for Publishers external link

IIC (International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law), vol. 2017, pp: 71-91, 2017


This paper examines the competence of the EU to introduce a neighbouring right for publishers (including a neighbouring right for press publishers, also called "ancillary copyright"). The assessment of competence is carried out following a step-by-step approach, which involves an analysis of the applicable Treaty norms and an assessment of subsidiarity and proportionality.

ancillary copyright, Copyright, European Union, Lawmaking, Neighbouring rights, publishers


Article{Ramalho2017, title = {Beyond the Cover Story – An Enquiry into the EU Competence to Introduce a Right for Publishers}, author = {Ramalho, A.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0126}, date = {2017-01-26}, journal = {IIC (International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law)}, volume = {2017}, pages = {71-91}, abstract = {This paper examines the competence of the EU to introduce a neighbouring right for publishers (including a neighbouring right for press publishers, also called "ancillary copyright"). The assessment of competence is carried out following a step-by-step approach, which involves an analysis of the applicable Treaty norms and an assessment of subsidiarity and proportionality.}, keywords = {ancillary copyright, Copyright, European Union, Lawmaking, Neighbouring rights, publishers}, }