Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 6 oktober 2017 (Imation / Thuiskopie en Staat) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2019, num: 21/22, pp: 3068-3070, 2019

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, frontpage, thuiskopie, vergoedingen


Article{Hugenholtz2019d, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 6 oktober 2017 (Imation / Thuiskopie en Staat)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0604}, date = {2019-06-04}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2019}, number = {21/22}, pages = {3068-3070}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, frontpage, thuiskopie, vergoedingen}, }

International Survey on Private Copying – Law and Practice 2016 external link

Wijminga, H., Klomp, W., Jagt, M. van der & Poort, J.

frontpage, landenvergelijking, private copying, survey, thuiskopie


Report{Wijminga2017, title = {International Survey on Private Copying – Law and Practice 2016}, author = {Wijminga, H. and Klomp, W. and Jagt, M. van der and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0620}, date = {2017-06-20}, keywords = {frontpage, landenvergelijking, private copying, survey, thuiskopie}, }

International Survey on Private Copying WIPO – Thuiskopie external link



Presentation "International Survey on Private Copying WIPO – Thuiskopie" at International Conference on Private Copying, Hermitage Amsterdam 23 June 2016

Intellectuele eigendom, levies, private copy, private copying, thuiskopie, WIPO


Presentation{Poort2016, title = {International Survey on Private Copying WIPO – Thuiskopie}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0623}, date = {2016-06-23}, abstract = {Presentation "International Survey on Private Copying WIPO – Thuiskopie" at International Conference on Private Copying, Hermitage Amsterdam 23 June 2016}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom, levies, private copy, private copying, thuiskopie, WIPO}, }