Privacy and Data Protection in the EU- and US-led Post- WTO Free Trade Agreements external link

1008, Series: European Yearbook of International Economic Law, pp: 95-115


The chapter addresses privacy and data protection in FTAs. It takes stock of the evolution of provisions on privacy and data protection in the post-WTO FTAs and FTAs currently under negotiation relying on EU- and US-led FTAs as an empirical basis. The chapter evaluates the trends and patterns of the development of these provisions and provides an outlook for the upcoming negotiations on electronic commerce at the WTO. It highlights the evolution of provisions on privacy and personal data protection in general exceptions, financial and telecommunications chapters, chapters on electronic commerce and digital trade. After identifying trends in the design and wording of these provisions in the EU- and US-led FTAs the chapter concludes that both trading partners tend to prefer their own template for regional FTAs.

EU, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Privacy, usa, WTO


Chapter{Yakovleva2020e, title = {Privacy and Data Protection in the EU- and US-led Post- WTO Free Trade Agreements}, author = {Yakovleva, S.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1008}, date = {2020-10-08}, abstract = {The chapter addresses privacy and data protection in FTAs. It takes stock of the evolution of provisions on privacy and data protection in the post-WTO FTAs and FTAs currently under negotiation relying on EU- and US-led FTAs as an empirical basis. The chapter evaluates the trends and patterns of the development of these provisions and provides an outlook for the upcoming negotiations on electronic commerce at the WTO. It highlights the evolution of provisions on privacy and personal data protection in general exceptions, financial and telecommunications chapters, chapters on electronic commerce and digital trade. After identifying trends in the design and wording of these provisions in the EU- and US-led FTAs the chapter concludes that both trading partners tend to prefer their own template for regional FTAs.}, keywords = {EU, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Privacy, usa, WTO}, }