Test post


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec risus et libero pretium suscipit. Sed a magna lacinia, ullamcorper eros eu, lacinia turpis. Integer et sagittis mauris. Phasellus tincidunt laoreet mollis H2. Suspendisse facilisis velit dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent tempus arcu id augue cursus, a gravida… Continue reading Test post

IVIR Lecture: Towards Platform Observability


IViR is pleased to announce that Professor Dr. Jeanette Hofmann and Dr. Bernhard Rieder will give an online lecture entitledTowards Platform Observabilityon Friday 28 May 2021 Abstract:“The growing power of digital platforms raises the question of democratic control or at least containment. In light of the transforming impact of platforms on markets, the public sphere,… Continue reading IVIR Lecture: Towards Platform Observability

IViR Lecture: Copyright Law 2030 – A memorandum on the future of the creative ecosystem in Europe


Abstract of the presentation:“The memorandum, developed by 15 participants, is born out of the conviction that legislators will enact more informed and more adequate regulation is provided with independent, publicly funded expertise; cross-fertilisation between the academic and the political realm is urgently needed. With the memorandum, we would like to put a new copyright narrative up for discussion, both in the academic, and in the… Continue reading IViR Lecture: Copyright Law 2030 – A memorandum on the future of the creative ecosystem in Europe